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Welded Dumbbell Parts

Regular price $ 15.00
Regular price Sale price $ 15.00
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Part No.Description Price
EP-1-WLDEP-1 - End Plate for Welded Dumbbell$ 15.00
SX-5BLKSX-5 - Sleeve for Welded Dumbbell (Black oxide finish)$ 15.00
SXC-5SXC-5 - Sleeve for Welded Dumbbell (Chrome finish)$ 20.00
DW-1-SX/C-5DW-1 - Internal dumbbell Washer for either side of SX/C-5$ 2.00


N.O.S. IVANKO Parts for welded dumbbells.  

These parts were used for one of the old school ways to make a set of dumbbells.  Here we offer end plates and sleeves (that fit over 1" steel bar) that allow you to assemble a durable set of dumbbells, the old school way.  Made in USA.

EP-1:  End Plate. 1 lb ea.; 3/8" thickness; counter sunk for a nice weld.

SX-5 & SXC-5:  5-3/4" length; 35mm Diameter; High-Quality Carbon steel dumbbell sleeve w/sharp diamond knurl; Custom drawn tubing allows 13/1000th's of an inch clearance over a 1" steel bar; black oxide or chrome finish.  Made in USA.

DW-1:  Dumbbell washer, clears by a few thousandths 1" round.  Good for either end of inside of dumbbell between sleeve and your inside plate.

On request, we will send you a list of cut-lengths for your 1" steel round bars for a set of 5-100lbs. Best way to determine cut length is to "line up" plates for each size you want to make (on either side SX-5 sleeve (5-3/4") and include thickness of EP-1 end plate (3/8") on either side.